バージョン: v8 (beta)

ionic serve

Start a local dev server for app dev/testing

$ ionic serve [options]

Easily spin up a development server which launches in your browser. It watches for changes in your source files and automatically reloads with the updated build.

By default, ionic serve boots up a development server on localhost. To serve to your LAN, specify the --external option, which will use all network interfaces and print the external address(es) on which your app is being served.

ionic serve uses the Angular CLI. Use ng serve --help to list all Angular CLI options for serving your app. See the ng serve docs for explanations. Options not listed below are considered advanced and can be passed to the Angular CLI using the -- separator after the Ionic CLI arguments. See the examples.

The dev server can use HTTPS via the --ssl option (experimental). There are several known issues with HTTPS. See issue #3305.


  • --ssl: Use HTTPS for the dev server

  • --prod: Flag to use the production configuration

  • --external: Host dev server on all network interfaces (i.e. --host=

  • --no-livereload: Do not spin up dev server--just serve files

  • --no-open: Do not open a browser window

Advanced Options

  • --consolelogs: Print app console logs to the terminal

  • --consolelogs-port=<port>: Use specific port for console logs server

  • --configuration=<conf>: Specify the configuration to use. (or -c)

  • --source-map: Output sourcemaps

  • --host=<host>: Use specific host for the dev server

  • --port=<port>: Use specific port for the dev server (or -p)

  • --public-host=<host>: The host used for the browser or web view

  • --browser=<browser>: Specifies the browser to use (safari, firefox, google chrome) (or -w)

  • --browseroption=<path>: Specifies a path to open to (/#/tab/dash) (or -o)


$ ionic serve 
$ ionic serve --external
$ ionic serve -- --proxy-config proxy.conf.json