バージョン: v8 (beta)





アイテムはテキストを左寄せにし、テキストがアイテムより幅が広い場合は省略記号を追加しています。この動作は、Ionic Framework が提供する CSS Utilities を使って変更することができます。例えば、以下の例では .ion-text-nowrap を使っています。テキストを変換するためにアイテムに追加できる他のクラスについては、CSS Utilities Documentation を参照してください。




補助ビジュアル 補助ビジュアルはアイテムの装飾アイコンやその他の飾りです。サポーティングビジュアルの一般的な例は、アバターアイコンサムネイルです。このコンテンツはアイテムの意図を理解するために必要ではないので、通常aria-hidden="true"を使ってスクリーンリーダーから隠されます。

アイコン・ボタンのように、アイテムとのインタラクションにビジュアルが必要な場合、そのビジュアルはサポート・ビジュアルではなく、 アクション となります。

Supporting visuals should be rendered in a consistent manner. This makes the information in each item easier to parse.

A list with several items. Each item has an icon and visible text describing the item. The icon in each item is rendered at the start of the line.

Align visuals on the same side in a list

A list with several items. Each item has an icon and visible text describing the item. Some icons are rendered at the start of the line, and some icons are rendered at the end of the line

Don't render visuals with different alignments in the same list

下の例では、ビジュアルをサポートする2つのリストを作成しています。最初のリストはアイコンを使い、2番目のリストはアバターを使います。ビジュアルは装飾的なものなので、すべて aria-hidden="true" を指定しています。さらに、これらは start スロットで一貫して表示されます。



If you find that you need a few more sentences to clarify the item's purpose, consider moving the additional sentences to a Note at the bottom of the list. Adding the item to its own list makes it clear which item the text is associated with.

A list with an item that contains a checked checkbox indicating the user wants to receive emails. Text describing how often the user will receive emails as well as how to unsubscribe from emails is placed underneath the list.

Move long text outside of the list

A list with an item that contains a checked checkbox indicating the user wants to receive emails. Text describing how often the user will receive emails as well as how to unsubscribe from emails is placed as a single paragraph inline with the checkbox, making the text hard to read and increasing the height of the item.

Don't try to fit long text in an item

下の例では、さまざまなタイプのテキストでリストを作成しています。"First Name"と "Last Name "のラベルは、テキスト入力に何を入力すべきかを示しています。

トグルの "Allow Notifications"ラベルの下には、ユーザーが通知を無効にできることを示すテキストが追加されています。このテキストは短いので、アイテムの内側に配置されています。

そのリストの下には、 Note の下に長いテキストを含むtextareaを含む別のリストがあります。textareaは、長いテキストが他のフィールドではなく、textareaに関連付けられていることを明らかにするために、それ自身のリストに配置されました。



Limit the amount of metadata you include to only the most relevant information.

A list that contains several items, each representing a different to-do list. A count of how many tasks in each to-do list is placed at the end of each item.

Add only the most important metadata

A list that contains several items, each representing a different to-do list. Two counts are placed at the end of each item: One count that states the total number of tasks, and another count that states the total number of tasks that are due today.

Don't add too much metadata as it can overwhelm or confuse the user.

Developers should also consider how important the metadata is. Drawing attention to the metadata may be helpful for the user or it may distract them from the more important information depending on the use case.

A list that contains several items, each representing a different to-do list. A count of how many tasks in each to-do list is placed at the end of each item.

Prioritize the most important content.

A list that contains several items, each representing a different to-do list. A count of how many tasks in each to-do list is placed at the end of each item. However, the count is highlighted in blue which draws the user's attention away from the name of the to-do list.

Prioritized metadata may distract from other important content.


つ目のリストは、iOSのメールアプリを真似て受信トレイを表示しています。このリストでは、"開始"スロットに "未読メッセージ"インジケータ、"終了"スロットにタイムスタンプとカスタム詳細アイコンを含むカスタムメタデータを使用しています。"未読メッセージ"インジケータは、未読メッセージにユーザーの注意を引くために青くハイライトされ、タイムスタンプはより控えめです。



開発者は、入れ子になったインタラクティブ機能を作成することは避けるべきです。例えば、 button プロパティが true に設定されている場合、開発者はアイテムのメインコンテンツ内にボタンを追加することを避けるべきです。

Actions can be added by using the Item Sliding component. Actions can also be placed directly inside of the Item without the use of Item Sliding, but this should be limited to no more than 2 actions.

A list that contains several items, each representing a contact. Each item has text that states the contact's name as well as several actions including pinning the contact, sharing the contact, and deleting the contact. These actions are revealed by swiping on the item.

Use an Item Sliding to reveal multiple actions by swiping on the Item.

A list that contains several items, each representing a contact. Each item has text that states the contact's name as well as several actions including pinning the contact, sharing the contact, and deleting the contact. The actions are placed directly on the item. Since there are so many actions, some of the text is cut off.

Don't put more than 2 actions within an Item.




Metadata such as helper text or character counts should not be used on form controls in list views. If such metadata is needed, the form control should be placed outside of a list. Filled Inputs are a great way of visually defining the input container outside of a list.

There is an email input and a password input. Both have helper text associated with them. Since both are placed outside of a list it is clear which input each helper text is associated with.

Place inputs with metadata outside of the list.

There is a list containing an email input and a password input. Both have helper texts associated with them. However, the divider between each item and between the helper text makes it hard to tell which input each helper text is associated with.

Don't put metadata for inputs in the list.

Alternatively, the metadata can be placed in a Note at the bottom of the list.

There are two lists of inputs. The first list contains a password input. Below that list contains text that says 'Password must be at least 16 characters'. The second list contains an email input. This second list is separated so the password length requirement text is clearly associated with the password input above.

Place metadata for inputs at the end of a list.

There is one list of inputs. One of the inputs is a password input with text below the input that says 'Password must be at least 16 characters'. However, this text is placed directly above another input, so it's not immediately clear which input the text is associated with.

Don't put metadata for inputs in the list.

Items should typically have no more than two controls. If you need more controls, consider adding the additional controls in a Modal that is accessible from the item.

There is one list of inputs. One of the inputs is a password input with text below the input that says 'Password must be at least 16 characters'. However, this text is placed directly above another input, so it's not immediately clear which input the text is associated with.

Move additional controls to a submenu accessible from the item.

There are two lists of inputs. The first list contains a password input. Below that list contains text that says 'Password must be at least 16 characters'. The second list contains an email input. This second list is separated so the password length requirement text is clearly associated with the password input above.

Don't use more than two controls within an item.



hrefbutton プロパティが設定されている場合、itemは "clickable(クリック可能)" と見なされます。clickableなitemsには、インタラクティブに操作できることを示す視覚的な違いがいくつかあります。たとえば、clickableなitemは、md modeではrippleエフェクトを持ち、ios modeではハイライト表示され、ios modeでの detail arrow が表示されます。

Detail Arrows

デフォルトでは、clickableなitems は、ios modeで右矢印アイコンを表示します。clickableな要素の右矢印アイコンを非表示にするには、 detail プロパティを false に設定します。自動的に表示されない項目に右矢印アイコンを表示するには、detailプロパティを true に設定します。

Item Lines

アイテムはデフォルトで下部のボーダーを挿入して表示します。ボーダーは左側にパディングを持ち、 "start" スロットにスロットされたコンテンツの下に表示されることはありません。 lines プロパティを "full" または "none" に変更すると、それぞれ全幅のボーダーが表示され、ボーダーを表示しないようになります。

Buttons in Items


Item Inputs



CSS Shadow Parts




  1. アイテムは Lists の中だけで使用してください。
  2. リスト内のアイテムは、一貫したフォーマットで表示されるべきです。例えば、アイテムに装飾的なアイコンを表示する場合、アイコンはアイテム間で同じように配置されるべきです。
  3. アイテムは決して入れ子になったインタラクティヴをレンダリングすべきではありません。入れ子になったインタラクティブ要素が使用されている場合、スクリーンリーダーは正しいインタラクティブ要素を選択することができません。例えば、button="true"を持つion-itemの中にボタンを置くことは避けてください。
  4. コンテントタイプ](#content-types)を正しく使用してください。Itemコンポーネントは、List内の行として設計されており、汎用コンテナとして使用すべきではありません。



DescriptionIf true, a button tag will be rendered and the item will be tappable.


DescriptionThe color to use from your application's color palette. Default options are: "primary", "secondary", "tertiary", "success", "warning", "danger", "light", "medium", and "dark". For more information on colors, see theming.
Type"danger" | "dark" | "light" | "medium" | "primary" | "secondary" | "success" | "tertiary" | "warning" | string | undefined

counter (deprecated)

DescriptionIf true, a character counter will display the ratio of characters used and the total character limit. Only applies when the maxlength property is set on the inner ion-input or ion-textarea. Deprecated Use the counter property on ion-input or ion-textarea instead.

counterFormatter (deprecated)

DescriptionA callback used to format the counter text. By default the counter text is set to "itemLength / maxLength". Deprecated Use the counterFormatter property on ion-input or ion-textarea instead.
Type((inputLength: number, maxLength: number) => string) | undefined


DescriptionIf true, a detail arrow will appear on the item. Defaults to false unless the mode is ios and an href or button property is present.
Typeboolean | undefined


DescriptionThe icon to use when detail is set to true.


DescriptionIf true, the user cannot interact with the item.


DescriptionThis attribute instructs browsers to download a URL instead of navigating to it, so the user will be prompted to save it as a local file. If the attribute has a value, it is used as the pre-filled file name in the Save prompt (the user can still change the file name if they want).
Typestring | undefined

fill (deprecated)

DescriptionThe fill for the item. If "solid" the item will have a background. If "outline" the item will be transparent with a border. Only available in md mode. Deprecated Use the fill property on ion-input or ion-textarea instead.
Type"outline" | "solid" | undefined


DescriptionContains a URL or a URL fragment that the hyperlink points to. If this property is set, an anchor tag will be rendered.
Typestring | undefined


DescriptionHow the bottom border should be displayed on the item.
Type"full" | "inset" | "none" | undefined


DescriptionThe mode determines which platform styles to use.
Type"ios" | "md"


DescriptionSpecifies the relationship of the target object to the link object. The value is a space-separated list of link types.
Typestring | undefined


DescriptionWhen using a router, it specifies the transition animation when navigating to another page using href.
Type((baseEl: any, opts?: any) => Animation) | undefined


DescriptionWhen using a router, it specifies the transition direction when navigating to another page using href.
Type"back" | "forward" | "root"


DescriptionThe shape of the item. If "round" it will have increased border radius.
Type"round" | undefined


DescriptionSpecifies where to display the linked URL. Only applies when an href is provided. Special keywords: "_blank", "_self", "_parent", "_top".
Typestring | undefined


DescriptionThe type of the button. Only used when an onclick or button property is present.
Type"button" | "reset" | "submit"


No events available for this component.


No public methods available for this component.

CSS Shadow Parts

detail-iconThe chevron icon for the item. Only applies when detail="true".
nativeThe native HTML button, anchor or div element that wraps all child elements.


--backgroundBackground of the item
--background-activatedBackground of the item when pressed. Note: setting this will interfere with the Material Design ripple.
--background-activated-opacityOpacity of the item background when pressed
--background-focusedBackground of the item when focused with the tab key
--background-focused-opacityOpacity of the item background when focused with the tab key
--background-hoverBackground of the item on hover
--background-hover-opacityOpacity of the background of the item on hover
--border-colorColor of the item border
--border-radiusRadius of the item border
--border-styleStyle of the item border
--border-widthWidth of the item border
--colorColor of the item
--color-activatedColor of the item when pressed
--color-focusedColor of the item when focused with the tab key
--color-hoverColor of the item on hover
--detail-icon-colorColor of the item detail icon
--detail-icon-font-sizeFont size of the item detail icon
--detail-icon-opacityOpacity of the item detail icon
--highlight-color-focusedThe color of the highlight on the item when focused. Only applies to inputs and textareas using the legacy form syntax. DEPRECATED: Highlights can be styled on ion-input or ion-textarea when using the modern form syntax.
--highlight-color-invalidThe color of the highlight on the item when invalid. Only applies to inputs and textareas using the legacy form syntax. DEPRECATED: Highlights can be styled on ion-input or ion-textarea when using the modern form syntax.
--highlight-color-validThe color of the highlight on the item when valid. Only applies to inputs and textareas using the legacy form syntax. DEPRECATED: Highlights can be styled on ion-input or ion-textarea when using the modern form syntax.
--highlight-heightThe height of the highlight on the item. Only applies to inputs and textareas using the legacy form syntax. DEPRECATED: Highlights can be styled on ion-input or ion-textarea when using the modern form syntax.
--inner-border-widthWidth of the item inner border
--inner-box-shadowBox shadow of the item inner
--inner-padding-bottomBottom padding of the item inner
--inner-padding-endRight padding if direction is left-to-right, and left padding if direction is right-to-left of the item inner
--inner-padding-startLeft padding if direction is left-to-right, and right padding if direction is right-to-left of the item inner
--inner-padding-topTop padding of the item inner
--min-heightMinimum height of the item
--padding-bottomBottom padding of the item
--padding-endRight padding if direction is left-to-right, and left padding if direction is right-to-left of the item
--padding-startLeft padding if direction is left-to-right, and right padding if direction is right-to-left of the item
--padding-topTop padding of the item
--ripple-colorColor of the item ripple effect
--transitionTransition of the item


``Content is placed between the named slots if provided without a slot.
endContent is placed to the right of the item text in LTR, and to the left in RTL.
errorContent is placed under the item and displayed when an error is detected. DEPRECATED Use the "errorText" property on ion-input or ion-textarea instead.
helperContent is placed under the item and displayed when no error is detected. DEPRECATED Use the "helperText" property on ion-input or ion-textarea instead.
startContent is placed to the left of the item text in LTR, and to the right in RTL.