バージョン: v6

ionic start

Create a new project

$ ionic start [name] [template] [options]

This command creates a working Ionic app. It installs dependencies for you and sets up your project.

Running ionic start without any arguments will prompt you for information about your new project.

The first argument is your app's name. Don't worry--you can always change this later. The --project-id is generated from name unless explicitly specified.

The second argument is the template from which to generate your app. You can list all templates with the --list option. You can also specify a git repository URL for template, in which case the existing project will be cloned.

Use the --type option to start projects using a different JavaScript Framework. Use --list to see all project types and templates.


The name of your new project (e.g. myApp, "My App")


The starter template to use (e.g. blank, tabs; use --list to see all)


  • --list: List available starter templates (or -l)

  • --type=<type>: Type of project to start (e.g. vue, angular, angular-standalone, react)

  • --cordova: Include Cordova integration

  • --capacitor: Include Capacitor integration

  • --id=<id>: Specify an Ionic App ID to link

Advanced Options

  • --no-deps: Do not install npm/yarn dependencies

  • --no-git: Do not initialize a git repo

  • --link: Connect your new app to Ionic

  • --project-id=<slug>: Specify a slug for your app (used for the directory name and package name)

  • --package-id=<id>: Specify the bundle ID/application ID for your app (reverse-DNS notation)


$ ionic start 
$ ionic start --list
$ ionic start myApp
$ ionic start myApp blank
$ ionic start myApp tabs --capacitor
$ ionic start myApp list --type=vue
$ ionic start "My App" blank
$ ionic start "Conference App" https://github.com/ionic-team/ionic-conference-app